
Michigan Statewide Research - Forestry Biofuel Statewide Collaboration Center (FBSCC)

Final Project Reports

Geospatial Forest Inventory Models for Michigan (FBSCC Task A1)
Ram K. Deo, Robert E. Froese, Michael J. Falkowski

Forest Biomass Information System for Michigan (FBSCC Task A2)
Robert E. Froese, James C. Rivard, Michael J. Falkowski

Spatial Forest-Based Biomass Availability (FBSCC Task A4)
Robert E. Froese

Evaluation of Michigan Biomass Transportation Systems (FBSCC Task B1)
Pasi Lautala, Richard Stewart, Robert Handler, Hamed Pouryousef

Evaluation of Michigan Biomass Transportation Systems: Appendix (FBSCC Task B1)
Pasi Lautala, Richard Stewart, Robert Handler, Hamed Pouryousef

Economic Analysis of Woody Biomass Supply Chain Logisitics for Biofuel Production in Michigan (FBSCC Task B2)
Ajit Srivastava, Dalia Abbas, Christopher Saffron, Fei Pan

Evaluation of Forest Biomass Processability (FBSCC Task B3)
David Shonnard, Jordan Klinger,Brian Feldhouser, Daniel Woldring, Nick Thomas, Jacob Boes

FBSCC Task B4 Final Report
Dana M. Johnson, Mark A. Johnson, Fengli Zhang

Understand Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of System Alternatives from Forest to Factory Gate (FBSCC Task B5)
David R. Shonnard, Robert M. Handler

Commercial Plantations of Tree Energy Crops (FBSCC Task C4)
Robert E. Froese

Understanding Recovery and Sustainability of Forest Residue Harvest (FBSCC Task C7)
Trevor L.D. Roberts, Robert E. Froese

Reports, Publications and Models

Michigan Woody Biomass Supply Snapshot
Lee S. Mueller, Shivan G.C. and Karen Potter-Witter

Optimization Model - Biomass Availability
Dana Johnson, Fengli Zhang and Mark Johnson
Download user instructions (docx)
Download model tutorial (pptx); [If using Internet Explorer 8 or earlier download here]
Download model (xlsm);
[If using Internet Explorer 8 or earlier download here]


Northeastern Michigan Research - Feedstock Supply Chain Center of Energy Excellence (CoEE)

Final Project Reports

Feedstock Supply Chain Models for the Frontier Renewable Resources Biofuel Facility in Kinross, MI (CoEE Project 1)
See also: Appendix G
David Watkins, Jim Frendewey, Greg Graman, Dana Johnson, Jim Pickens, Barry Solomon, Haihong Huang, Yue-Jun Yin, Timothy Jenkins, Fengli Zhang, Huihui Lin, Eric Dunnack, Kasey Hanninen, Emily Harris, Adam Kostamo

Timber Resources and Factors Affecting Timber Availability and Sustainability for Kinross, Michigan (CoEE Project 2)
Larry A. Leefers and J. Michael Vasievich

Timber Resources and Factors Affecting Timber Availability and Sustainability for Kinross, Michigan:
Appendix (CoEE Project 2)
Larry A. Leefers and J. Michael Vasievich

Spatial Forest Inventory in Kinross, MI (CoEE Project 2)
Robert Froese, Zane Abbot

Biomass GIS Data (CoEE Project 2)
Ann L. MacLean

Nonindustrial Private Landowner Interviews (CoEE Project 2)
Kathleen E. Halvorsen

Increasing Sustainable Biomass Feedstock Availability - Plantations (CoEE Project 2)
Daniel Keathley, Karen Potter-Witter, Larry Leefers

Northern Hardwood Management in MIchigan (CoEE Project 2)
Nan C. Pond, Robert E. Froese, Linda M. Nagel and Nicholas L. Windmuller

Improving Forest Feedstock Harvesting, Processing, and Hauling Efficiencies (CoEE Project 3)
Ajit Srivastava, Dalia Abbas, Fei Pan, Chris Saffron

Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Forest Biomass Supply Chains (CoEE Project 3)
David R. Shonnard, Robert M. Handler


Reports and Publications

The Role of Railroads in Multimodal Woody Biomass Transportation in Michigan
Pasi Lautala, Robert Handler, Hamed Pouryousef, Stephen Chartier


Fact Sheets and Snapshots

An overview of Non-industrial Private Forest Owners in Northeastern Michigan
Karen Potter-Witter, Shivan G.C., and Brett Kuipers

Fact Sheet - Determinants of Michigan’s Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners’ Willingness to Supply Biomass for Bioenergy
Shivan G.C., Brett Kuipers, and Karen Potter-Witter

Fact Sheet - Factors Affecting Timber Availability and Sustainability for Kinross Michigan
Brett Kuipers, Karen Potter-Witter, and Shivan G.C.

Fact Sheet - Means of Communication for Reaching Michigan’s Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners
Brett Kuipers, Shivan G.C. and Karen Potter-Witter

Fact Sheet - Timber Resources in Northeast Michigan
Brett Kuipers, Karen Potter-Witter, and Shivan G.C.

Snapshot of Logging Firms in Michigan
Shivan G.C. and Karen Potter-Witter

Snapshot of Primary Forest Products Mills in Michigan
Shivan G.C. and Karen Potter-Witter



Assessment of Michigan Non-Industrial Private Owners' Willingness to Supply Biomass for Bioenergy
Karen Potter-Witter, Shivan G.C., and Brett Kuipers

Michigan’s Forest Products Sector: Are They Ready for Promoting Bioenergy?
Shivan G.C. and Karen Potter-Witter

Michigan Woody Biomass Supply Snapshot
Shivan G.C., Lee S. Mueller, and Karen Potter-Witter

Private Forest Landowner Communication Analysis in Northeastern Michigan
Brett Kuipers, Shivan G.C. and Karen Potter-Witter

Regional Variation of Non-Industrial Private Forest Owners in Michigan
Lee S. Mueller, and Karen Potter-Witter

Understanding Michigan’s Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners’ Willingness to Supply Biomass for Bioenergy
Karen Potter-Witter, Shivan G.C., and Brett Kuipers